
JCU joins #Weremember campaign - Boris Lozhkin

This week, the fourth annual flash mob launched by the World Jewish Congress for the Holocaust Remembrance Day #WeRemember is taking place around the world. The campaign aimed at reminding the world of the Holocaust victims is taking place on social networks.  The President of the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine Boris Lozhkin and members of the Supervisory Board have already joined the campaign, informs the official website of the JCU.

“Seventy-five years after the end of the Holocaust, anti-Semitism has reached an unprecedented level since the mid-20th century. Jews — from Germany to the USA — are again verbally and physically attacked, simply because they are Jews. There is not a single Jewish holiday without an attack by anti-Semites; our historical and cultural monuments are desecrated, our cemeteries are ruined. We are sure that the reason for this phenomenon is the loss of knowledge about the greatest crime in the history of mankind, about the Holocaust, which took six million innocent lives,” JCU writes.

The Jewish Confederation of Ukraine urges everyone to join the millions of people supporting the #WeRemember campaign already for the fourth year in a row. The flash mob will end with a live broadcast of all the participants' photos on a screen installed next to the debris of the crematorium at the former Auschwitz concentration camp, as evidence of the survival of the Jewish people in the face of disasters.

“Remember to post your photos on social networks with the hashtag #WeRemember. Remind yourselves and your friends, what failure to act in the face of a threat leads to. Recall that anti-Semitism is not only a problem of Jews, but of the entire civilized world,” is written in the news.
