
Zelensky waiting from leadership of NABU, SBI reports on investigation of crimes at Ukroboronprom

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is waiting for a report about investigation of facts of abuse of power in the Ukroboronprom state concern from Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) Artem Sytnyk and Director of the State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) Roman Truba.

"I want to recall the crimes in the Ukroboronprom system... I ask the heads of the SBI and the NABU to report on the progress of investigations of these facts," Zelensky said at a meeting with the leadership of the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and law enforcement agencies in Kyiv on Monday.

According to him, abuse in Ukroboronprom causes great damage to the Ukrainian economy and national security.
