Cabinet expects to increase share of use of Ukrainian language in everyday life up to 75% by 2030
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved a strategy to popularize the Ukrainian language until 2030, 'Strong Language is A Successful State.'
In keeping with Cabinet decree No. 596 of July 17, the strategy will be implemented in three stages.
At the first stage (2019-2020), the priority is to study the current state of the scope of the state language.
At the second stage (2021-2025), the priority will be to increase the communicative and demographic potential of the Ukrainian language, the formation of a coherent Ukrainian-language information and cultural space.
At the third stage (2026-2030), the priority area for the implementation of the strategy will be to increase the general language culture of the population.
The document determines that throughout all stages of the strategy, awareness-raising campaigns will be conducted among the population on the importance of using the Ukrainian language in everyday life, in the public and private spheres, the relevance of its study and use, and tasks aimed at strengthening Ukrainian identity among Ukrainians living outside Ukraine.
The implementation of this strategy is to lead to the following results: the share of Ukrainian citizens, including children who exclusively or mainly use the Ukrainian language in everyday life, according to the results of opinion polls should be at least 75%; at least 80% of Ukrainian citizens will consider Ukrainian to be their native language according to the census.