Ukraine should constructively address quality of software for future trading with power, paying attention to frequency drop in ENTSO-E system – Ukrenergo
A drop in frequency on the synchronously interconnected Continental Europe system was registered on January 10, 2019 at around 21.00 and the causes of this drop are still under investigation by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).
ENTSO-E gave this information on Wednesday, January 16. The frequency drop was sufficient to alert the TSOs but did not at any moment endanger security of supply, the network said.
A mismeasurement on lines between Germany and Austria was identified and corrected by TenneT Germany. However, this mismeasurement cannot explain the frequency drop on January 10. The investigation, which is still on-going, is reviewing the significant variation in European production around 21.00 which coincided with changes in trade between different countries.
"Given the current automation process of Ukraine's new electricity market, this incident forces us to seriously think about the quality of software and the timing of its testing. The synchronous area of the integrated power grid of Ukraine is much less than ENTSO-E and the consequences of software errors and inconsistencies more serious than just stopping the trade," Chief Expert on technological systems, Head of the commercial accounting management group of national energy company Ukrenergo Oleksandr Karpenko said on his Facebook page.
As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine at the end of December 2018 approved an action plan for the harmonization of the united power grid of Ukraine with ENTSO-E.