
More than 250 residents of village in Ternopil region poisoned by unknown substance after aerial practice

Residents of Ivane-Puste village of Borshchevsky district of Ternopil region got poisoned by an unknown substance at 15:18 on Thursday, and as of 12:30 of Friday, the number of injured exceeded 250 people, including almost a hundred children, the press service of the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection has reported.

"As of 12:30 on September 21, 2018, some 252 people were injured, 99 of them were children," the message reads posted on Friday.

During the investigation it was established that in the period from 10:30 to 12:15 on September 20, 179 residents of the village applied to the local outpatient clinic, including 56 children from Ivane-Puste village of Borshchevsky district of Ternopil region with a preliminary diagnosis of "Poisoning with an unknown substance." The injured did not need hospitalization and are placed on outpatient treatment.

"The injured people associate their medical problem with the chemical substance, which was sprayed by local farmers while carrying out agro technical measures in the fields of the Melnytsia-Podilska village council. According to the agricultural firm, the drug 'Uragan Forte' was used," the report says.
