
Ukrainians recommended not to travel to Zambia due to cholera

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (MFA) has recommended that Ukrainians refrain from traveling to Zambia due to the outbreak of cholera in the capital until the epidemiological situation returns normal, the ministry's consular service has said.

"The diplomatic office recommended that those compatriots who are already in Zambia exercise special caution and adhere to the recommendations of local authorities, medical and other competent services, as well as monitor the latest news," the report says.

According to the ministry, an epidemic of cholera broke out in Zambia, in particular in the capital city of Lusaka, and especially in the Kanyama area.

The report also notes that in case of symptoms of the disease or other circumstances that require immediate consular response, Ukrainians are advised to apply to Ukraine's Embassy in the South African Republic.
