
National TV Council approves licenses for 19 channels whose beneficiaries are Firtash, Akhmetov, Kolomoisky, Pinchuk

The National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting has approved licenses for digital broadcasting of 24 national television channels, including 19 whose beneficiaries are Ukrainian businessmen Dmytro Firtash, Ihor Kolomoisky, Rinat Akhmetov, and Victor Pinchuk.

The council approved this decision during a meeting on July 11.

According to the report on the council's website, the following TV channels received licenses: Inter, NTN, K1, Enter-Film, ZOOM, К2, Mega, Pixel TV, whose beneficiary is Firtash.

Licenses for digital broadcasting was also extended for four TV channels whose beneficiary is Akhmetov – Ukraine, Indigo TV, NLO.tv, Esculap-TV, and for four TV channels whose beneficiary is Kolomoisky – 1+1 Studio, TET, and 2+2.

Beneficiaries of the TV channels owned by Pinchuk were not mentioned in the report. Licenses were extended for ICTV, STB, Novy Kanal, and M1.

The licenses for digital broadcasting will be effective for seven years, the national council said.
