
Avakov names 'red lines' in his strategy of 'small steps' for de-occupation of Donbas

Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov has presented the so-called "red lines" in his strategy of de-occupation of Donbas called "The Mechanism of Small Steps" - fundamental provisions determining the interests of Ukraine, on which compromises are unacceptable, and disputes are inexpedient, the Interior Ministry's press service reported on Monday.

According to Avakov's strategy, there can be no discussion of the change in the state system of Ukraine, including the question of moving to a federal structure.

"The Constitution clearly determines that Ukraine is a unitary state. The territory of Ukraine within its existing border is integral and inviolable," the report says.

Moreover, the state borders of Ukraine, which should be completely controlled by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine throughout the entire border line, are not subject to any revision, and UN peacekeepers "are only a guarantee of ensuring such control and observers who monitor the absence of provocations by the Russian Federation."

The fact that residents of de-occupied territories of Donbas are citizens of Ukraine who are in the jurisdiction of Ukrainian justice and are subject to the laws of Ukraine cannot be revised.

"According to the Constitution of Ukraine, Ukraine has a single citizenship. The law on citizenship defines: If a citizen of Ukraine acquired citizenship of another state or states, then in legal relations with Ukraine he or she is recognized only as a citizen of Ukraine. If a foreigner acquired the citizenship of Ukraine, then in legal relations with Ukraine he or she is recognized only as a citizen of Ukraine," the ministry said.

"Ukraine's strategic aspiration to become a member of the EU and NATO cannot be a subject of discussion," the ministry's press service quoted Avakov as saying.

He also noted that the legitimization of the annexation of Crimea also cannot be discussed.

"The statement 'We will return you the occupied territories of Donbas in exchange for legitimizing the annexation of Crimea' is unacceptable! There cannot be any concessions here! There is nothing to talk about," Avakov said.

In addition, he added that amnesty cannot be applied to persons who committed grave crimes under the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

"Those who have the blood of killed civilians and Ukrainian soldiers, who organized the seizure of power, led mass killings and pogroms are not subject to amnesty," he said.
