
M.E.Doc developer signs agreement with SBU on countering cyberattack threats

Linkos Group, a developer of software for business process automation (earlier Intellect-Service), whose portfolio includes such solutions as M.E.Doc, SOTA, ATsSK Ukraina, has signed a memorandum with Ukraine's SBU Security Service to develop the government's cybersecurity system.

"The M.E.Doc accounting program became the first IT product safeguarded by the SBU's Cybersecurity Situation Center," Linkos Group said in a press release on Thursday.

As part of the memorandum, the situation center connected Linkos Group to the MISP-UA platform, which is a cyber threat sensor and serves as an information shield in real time. The platform works with 59 world information channels, maintains a constant exchange of information about cyber events, updates the database of compromise identifiers, meets the international standards of the EU and NATO and is used by main international actors in the field of cybersecurity, including the NATO NCI Agency, FIRST, CIRCL, CiviCERT.

As earlier reported, Interior Minister Arsen Avakov in early July 2017 said searches were conducted at the software developer of M.E.Doc – LLC Intellect-Service LLC, citing unauthorized computer access that took place in May 2017. Avakov said a software virus infected a network of software users and caused a large-scale failure. The minister also noted that the company neglected warnings about the vulnerability of its software and accused it of negligence.

Ukraine's State Fiscal Service stopped using M.E.Doc software as a result.

Meanwhile, the developer of M.E.Doc which since June 27, 2017, had categorically denied the use of the program in that cyberattack, on July 5, 2017 acknowledged an "unprecedented act of hacking," which resulted in malicious code infecting updates of the program's service packs. According to the company's announcement, M.E.Doc operated on approximately one million computers.

According to the information on Linkos Group's website, the company started its activity in 1990 as Intellect-Service. Since 2017, having collected the best solutions and introducing modern technologies, trends and market needs, the developer of M.E.Doc is being transformed and now is called Linkos Group," the company says.

The portfolio of Linkos Group includes M.E.Doc, SOTA, ATsSK Ukraina, Report "Corporation," FlyDoc, ISpro and PTAX.
