
Poroshenko's press secretary releases photocopy of Saakashvili's letter

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's Press Secretary Sviatoslav Tseholko on Tuesday released on his Facebook page a photocopy of the letter written by former Georgian President and Movement of New Forces Party leader Mikheil Saakashvili.

In the latter Saakashvili calls for a meeting to discuss how to deescalate the situation, as well as denies allegations that he is working for Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB).

"Despite recent events, I do not have aggressive intentions. You know me well, and understand perfectly well that accusing me of working for the FSB is not only absurd, but will also make Ukraine's enemy happy. Of course I have made and make many political mistakes, but I am sure now as never before that it is necessary to deescalate the situation and avoid destabilization of the situation. I am ready to meet at any time with an authorized representative to discuss," the letter says.

According to Tseholko, the letter is being made public because Saakashvili has misrepresented its contents and because many journalists have asked about it.

Poroshenko's press secretary also notes that calls by Saakashvili to deescalate the situation fly in the face of Saakashvili's actions on Sunday.

"The storming of International Center of Culture and Arts on Heavenly Hundred Way demonstrates that Saakashvili did not keep his word," Tseholko said.

Saakashvili earlier confirmed the existence of the missive to Poroshenko

"After people released me from the pretrial holding facility Poroshenko's reputation was severely damaged. After the court, despite sabotage from Ukraine's SBU Security Service, released me, Poroshenko suffered one more defeat. Then I acted as people do when they are sure they are in the right – I wrote him a letter, in which I said: "You accused me incorrectly. You of course know that to call me a Russian agent is an insult. But this is not our personal conflict. I harbor no personal anger towards you and propose that we meet to discuss the situation," Saakashvili told the ZIK TV channel on Sunday, December 17, 2017.
