
Over 4 mln Ukrainians live in Russia, 1.2 mln each in Canada and Poland - Expat Insider

The largest number of Ukrainian migrants live in Russia, Canada, Poland, the United States and Brazil, with more than eight million Ukrainians living in them in 2017, according to an Expat Insider survey.

According to the survey, 4.4 million Ukrainians live in Russia, 1.2 million each in Canada and Poland, 940,000 in the United States, and 500,000 in Brazil. At the same time, 231,000 Ukrainians live in Italy and 230,000 in Germany.

At the same time, according to a 2015 survey, 72% of Ukrainian migrants note that they are satisfied with their lives abroad.

The results of the study do not show whether the issue concerns migrants of recent years, citizens of Ukraine, or statistics include those who received citizenship from the countries of residence and people who arrived many years ago, or their descendants who were born abroad.

According to the InterNations survey, most Ukrainian migrants are women at the age of about 32 years. Some 57% of Ukrainians abroad work, 7% are in search of a job, and 6% are students. A total of 18% of Ukrainians are engaged in the IT industry.

Ukrainian migrants, as a rule, are well educated and speak foreign languages. According to Ukrainians abroad, the main reason for their migration is the search for better living conditions. At the same time, most Ukrainians state that abroad they earn much more than at home, which allows them to transfer more money home.

"In the first quarter of 2017, migrants working in Poland (90% of them are Ukrainians) sent more than 4.3 billion zlotys via the TransferGo online service - almost two thirds more than last year... It's just a record amount that exceeds by almost two billion zlotys the amount of money transfer to Poland," Head of Business Development at TransferGo Tomas Snitka said.
