
MP Shufrych summoned to PGO

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine deputy Nestor Shufrych (the Opposition Bloc) has been summoned to Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office (PGO) on December 14 to give testimony as a witness.

"MP Shufrych must arrive on December 14, 2017 at 15.30 at the PGO's Department of Special Investigations, office No. 411, in Kyiv, 18 Borysohlibska Street, to be questioned as a witness in criminal case No2014100000000209," the PGO summons says.

Department of Special Investigations chief Serhiy Horbatiuk, in turn, has said Shufrych is being summoned in connection with threats by former First Presidential Administration head Andriy Portnov directed at former Party of Regions deputy Inna Bohoslovska.

Horbatiuk said the reason for publishing the summons notice is that Shufrych has previously failed to appear to summons.

As earlier reported, on February 18, 2014 threats "were conveyed from a telephone belonging to Portnov to a telephone belonging to Bohoslovska regarding deputy activities and the active political position of a state functionary."
