Poroshenko enacts NSDC decision on additional funding of security and defense sector
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed decree No. 183/2017 dated July 11, 2017, on the additional funding of the security and defense sector, the presidential press service has reported.
"Enact the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine dated July 10, 2017 'On urgent measures to finance the needs of national security and defense of Ukraine in 2017,'" the decree reads.
NSDC Secretary Oleksandr Turchynov is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the NSDC's decision.
The decision of the National Security and Defense Council "On Urgent measures to finance the needs of national security and defense of Ukraine in 2017" states that the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine must table proposals to the Verkhovna Rada as regards to the draft law of Ukraine "On Amending the Law of Ukraine" on the State Budget of Ukraine for 2017" (register No. 6600 dated June 21, 2017), which is being prepared for the second reading, to foresee additional budget allocations.
In particular, the additional budget allocations for the Defense Ministry from the general fund of the national budget include over UAH 352 million, namely UAH 249.8 million as a lump sum payment in case of the death or disability of servicemen, UAH 100 million as payment for utilities and energy resources, and nearly UAH 3 million for preparation and participation of Ukraine's national team in the Invictus Games international sports competitions.
Also, the Defense Ministry will be given UAH 4 billion from the special fund of the national (these are confiscated funds and assets received from the sale of property confiscated by a court decision for corrupt and corruption-related offenses), including UAH 1 billion for the purchase of weapons and military equipment, UAH 1.4 billion for the purchase and manufacture of ammunition, UAH 1 billion for the construction of housing for Ukrainian servicemen, UAH 600 million for the development of modern weapons and military equipment, namely missile weapons (UAH 300 million), and UAH 300 million for the purchase of Oplot main battle tanks.
Other additional budget assignments foresee UAH 230 million from the general fund for special gear of the National Guard of Ukraine and UAH 200 million from the special fund (confiscated funds and assets received from the sale of property confiscated by a court decision for corrupt and corruption-related offenses) for the purchase of weapons and equipment.
As reported, the NSDC decided at a meeting on Monday, July 10, to recommend that the government finance the needs of the security and defense sector in the amount of about UAH 9 billion in 2017.
Turchynov specified later that the total amount of the additional funding included about UAH 3 billion from the general fund of the national budget and UAH 6 billion from its special fund.