Duma accusations of Transdniestria blockade "unfounded" - Ukrainian Foreign Ministry
The Russian State Duma's July 7 statement containing unfounded accusations that Ukraine and Moldova have, among other things, been blockading Transdniestria, are surprising, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said. "We completely reject the State Duma's 'concern' over the introduction of joint control at the Kuchurhan checkpoint. Because this decision confirms the effect of the Republic of Moldova laws over the country's whole territory, while Russia continually proclaims its respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders," the ministry's spokesperson said in a statement. Transdniestria enjoys all the advantages of a free trade area both as part of the CIS and as part of the Moldova-European Union deal, and the export of Trandniestrian-made goods to Ukraine rose to $61 million in 2016, and continues to grow this year, the statement said. Russia's accusations of delays in conducting yet another round of "5+2" talks (involving Transdniestria, Moldova, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Russia, Ukraine, the United States and the EU), which aim to resolve the Transdniestrian conflict, constitute a manipulation because "it is the Tiraspol 'administration' that rejected the recent proposal to organize a Bavarian conference which would discuss the future agenda and dates of the talks," the ministry said. Ukraine's position invariably consists in the need for peaceful resolution on the basis of the fundamental principles of international law, in particular, the respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and the sanctity of borders, the ministry said. "This fully applies to the Transdniestrian settlement process," the ministry said. Russia should provide efficient assistance in dealing with a number of pressing issues within the 5+2 negotiating format, in the interests of the people living on both sides of the Dniester river, not least by honoring its obligations under the OSCE's 1999 Istanbul summit and by withdrawing its troops from Transdnistria, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said On July 7 the State Duma released a claiming actions of the Moldovan government and the Ukrainian authorities "pose a real threat to the stability of the region and the wellbeing and security of Transdniestrian residents, among them over 200,000 Russian citizens." The State Duma urged the Moldovan government and the Ukrainian authorities "to end any forms of pressure on Transdniestria and efforts to arrange its blockade"