
Russia's actions aimed at escalation in Donbas is violation of UN Court decision – Klimkin

The International Court of Justice has clearly decided that the parties should refrain from actions that lead to an escalation of the situation in Donbas, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said.

"The court clearly said that it is necessary to comply with the relevant resolution of the UN Security Council on the need for Russia to comply with the Minsk agreements. And for Ukraine, of course, but we do not send troops and weapons to some place in Siberia," the minister said in an exclusive comment to the Interfax-Ukraine on Wednesday.

Also, according to him, the court clearly said that the parties should refrain from any actions that provoke further complicating of the situation. "Thus, any actions committed by Russia, which support their policy, uniquely fall under this category of court decisions," Klimkin said.

He said that "of course, we did not achieve everything right away." "But let's honestly say that this is a very good solution for the entire international law, this is a very good beginning for Ukraine and there is no need to waste words, whether it's a victory or not. This is indeed a very good decision. Now the court has laid the foundation for all the judicial proceeding," the foreign minister said.
