NACP should be able to verify e-declarations freely and independently
The European Union's Delegation in Ukraine has stressed the importance of organizing independent verification of electronic declarations of income and property submitted by Ukrainian officials by the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) as well as ensuring effective and uninterrupted functioning of the e-declaration system.
"The completion of the first round of electronic asset declarations, whereby we have seen a very high level of turn-out among declarants, marks an important milestone in Ukraine's anti-corruption reforms… The important stage of verification of submitted e-declarations now starts. The NACP must be able to operate fully independent, free of any political interference. The NACP must be given the necessary means to carry out its important functions in relation to the verification of the information submitted in the declarations," Deputy Head of the EU Delegation Thomas Frellesen said in a comment available to Interfax-Ukraine.
Frellesen also said the effective use of the e-declaration system provides an important tool to enhance public accountability of state officials and public trust towards them.
"It is crucial that the Ukrainian authorities continue to ensure the sustainability of the system and the integrity of the existing anti-corruption legislation. The successful launch of the system should now be followed by its effective and uninterrupted functioning," the deputy head of the EU delegation in Ukraine has said.