Klitschko declares apartment, motorcycle, seven bicycles, UAH 2.6 mln income
Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko is the ultimate beneficiary of the Klitschko Foundation and the Future Kyiv charitable foundations, together with his brother Volodymyr owns the KlitschkO trademarks in Ukrainian, English and German languages, which is evidenced by his declaration of assets and income for 2015.
He owns an apartment of 251.8 square meters in Kyiv purchased in 2005 for UAH 35,000, a Fine Custom Puncher 8.125-4 motorcycle (produced in 2009) acquired in October 2014 for UAH 600,000, a Ironhorse Widebody flatbed trailer (2013) bought in July 2013 for UAH 192,000, and seven bicycles (four Scott bicycles, two Coratec and one Cannondale) purchased in 2014-2015.
In addition, the declaration includes an antique marble mantel clock (France, the second half of the 19th century), seven watches, a Yamaha DC1A white grand piano worth UAH 960,000.
Klitschko's revenues include UAH 2.623 million from "income distribution," UAH 759 of interest in UkrSibbank, two gifts worth UAH 609 and UAH 513 from the National Olympic Committee.
He also declared $194,500 and EUR 42,000 in cash, $18,000, UAH 750,500 and EUR 1,013 in UkrSibbank. He lent EUR 8.5 million and $741,500 to third parties.