
Avakov outraged by Hollande's statement on implementing Minsk agreements in Donbas

Interior Minister Arsen Avakov early on October 12 expressed his dismay about French President Francois Hollande’s position on implementation the Minsk agreements aimed at restoring peace to Donbas.

"Francois Hollande, the French President, speaking at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe [on October 11] expressed absolutely unacceptable steps Ukraine should take. He first called elections in occupied areas of Donbas, and then only for the withdrawal of Russian occupational troops from Ukrainian territory and the return of Ukraine’s control over the Ukrainian-Russian border. He wants elections to be held immediately after the cease-fire and withdrawal of troops," Avakov said on his Facebook page early on Wednesday morning.

The minister believes that "the French president had the gall to say such things … following French Foreign Minister Ayrault’s ugly remarks made during his [recent] visit to Ukraine."
