
State Fiscal Service chief to submit his e-declaration in September

Chief of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (SFS) Roman Nasirov will submit his e-declaration in September after the security of the electronic declaration (e-declaration) system is improved.

"I will submit my declaration ... There are two months before the deadline for filing income declarations. I think many people will anyway fill in these declarations in September or early in October," Nasirov said at a briefing on Wednesday.

"I planned to do this in September," Nasirov added.

According to Nasirov, in two weeks, the relevant services will be able to do everything necessary to protect the information so that "people do not worry."

As was earlier reported, head of the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption Natalia Korchak announced the launch of the e-declaration system at midnight on August 15 despite the fact that its data protection system had not been certified by the State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine.

Under the law on combating corruption, high-ranking officials are to fill in new detailed income declarations in 2016 within 60 days after the launch of the e-declaration system.

In particular, electronic statements of assets and income should be submitted by the Ukrainian president and the prime minister along with their advisors and assistants, government members, deputy ministers, members of the national commissions and the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine, the head of the State Property Fund and the Central Bank governor along with their deputies. Ukrainian parliamentarians and civil servants belonging to the "A" or "B" categories, as well as judges, prosecutors, investigators, heads, deputy heads of state agencies whose jurisdiction covers the entire territory of Ukraine are also subject to e-declaration. High-ranking military officers are also to declare their incomes with the use of the new system.
