
Economic subgroup in Minsk discusses resolving possible coalmine floods in Donbas - Kuchma's press secretary

Participants of the economic subgroup of the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk (Belarus) have discussed the ways of resolving the problem of possible coalmine floods in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Darka Olifer, a spokeswoman for Leonid Kuchma, Ukraine's second president and representative in the Trilateral Contact Group.

"At a meeting of the economic subgroup we also discussed the problems of ecology. German expert Rolf Petri presented a report on the state of coalmines in Donbas. Earlier the Ukrainian party initiated the invitation of international environmental specialists to assess the situation at industrial enterprises of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. The data from the report arouse fears over the possible floods at some coalmines. This threat could result in the environmental disaster in Donbas, and now experts are looking for resolving the problem," Olifer wrote on her Facebook page on Wednesday after the meeting in Minsk.
