Ukraine signs anti-corruption declaration at Global Anti-Corruption Summit in London
Ukraine has joined global declaration against corruption at the Anti-Corruption Summit in London, Ukraine's State Fiscal Service has reported.
"Along with 40 other countries and representatives of organizations we have agreed the final document of declaration against corruption and the summit communiqué. Thus, global society expressed firm intention to take all possible measures inside countries and at the international level to eradicate corruption in all possible spheres," the State Fiscal Service said, citing Head Roman Nasirov.
He said that Ukraine has taken a liability to implement the provisions of the document and take concrete steps declared at the summit to realize a new anti-corruption strategy and action plan to be approved in 2017. Public agencies of the country, first of all the State Fiscal Service, are obliged to check accuracy of information about ultimate beneficiaries of companies, introduce international standards in combating money laundering, narrow opportunities for corruption in the zones of large hazard, cooperate with other countries, international institutions and civil society in introduction of international anti-corruption standards.