
Most of Ukrainians' applications to ECHR recognized as inadmissible – Supreme Court's President

Ukraine remains ahead of other countries as regards the number of applications of its citizens to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), however, the court declares most these claims as inadmissible, President of Ukraine's Supreme Court Yaroslav Romaniuk has said.

"As of the end of 2015, the European Court of Human Rights reviewed 64,850 cases; 13,850 of them were the applications filed by our citizens against our state," Romaniuk said at a press conference on Monday in Kyiv.

He stressed that "Ukraine has been before and still is in the lead as to the number of applications of our citizens to the European Court of Human Rights"; currently the share of such applications totals 21.4%.

At the same time, the Supreme Court's president emphasized that "most of the applications were recognized as ineligible."

In particular, Romaniuk noted that more than 92% of all the applications from Ukrainians had been declared inadmissible in 2014.

"That is to say that the Strasbourg Court has recognized that Ukrainian national courts have applied the rule of law in accordance with the provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and there was no need to intervene," Romaniuk said.

Overall, according to him, as of December 31, 2014, the ECHR had 57,003 applications from Ukrainians, however only 4,734 were accepted by the court for further consideration, while others were deemed inadmissible.

As to the violations, the ECHR sent 8,763 applications under its consideration in 2015 to the Ukrainian government, so that it provided explanations, while slightly over 8,000 of the mentioned claims concerned failure to comply with the decisions of the national courts, Romaniuk said.

With this respect he noted that in Ukraine the execution of the court decisions was a responsibility of the Justice Ministry, rather that of the courts.

At the same time, Romaniuk said, there was no statistical data for 2015 yet.
