
NACP is allowed to start operating, fulfilling functions on time – EU Delegation to Ukraine

The Delegation of the European Commission to Ukraine has emphasized that it is important to select employees of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention (NACP) in a transparent way and the agency must start operating in a timely manner.

"Several months after the adoption of the Law and after the establishment of the dedicated selection panel, the agency is not yet up and running. It is of the utmost importance that the agency is allowed to start operating and to effectively execute the functions entrusted to it in a timely manner," the EU Delegation to Ukraine said.

The EU Delegation expressed confidence that the members of the selection panel are able to finalise the selection process for the agency with the clear understanding of the need to ensure the trust of society in the impartial and objective work of the agency.

"The NACP constitutes a very important part of the institutions aiming at fighting corruption and providing the needed transparency as regards the conduct of officials executing public functions in Ukraine," the EU Delegation said.

"Together with other institutions, the NACP should help to progressively increase trust and confidence of Ukrainian citizens in public authorities and thus help create an administrative and political culture where service to the general public interest is the main concern of those entrusted with public mandates. Should preventive actions be effective there will be less need for intrusive tools to remedy damage done," the EU Delegation said.
