
Opposition Bloc reports vote-rigging in ballot count in Kyiv

KYIV. Oct 26 (Interfax-Ukraine) - The Opposition Bloc party has reported vote-rigging in the elections to the Kyiv City Council.

"We have registered facts that can indicate attempts to rig the votes in Kyiv during the ballot count. All violations occur with the direct involvement of or connivance by the heads of members of elections commissions. Thus, they can seriously influence the voting outcome. We have been conducting a parallel ballot count since the closure of the polling stations," Oleksandr Puzanov, leader of the Kyiv city organization of Opposition Bloc, said.

The parallel ballot count, which has now processed 21% of the ballots, shows that Opposition Bloc receives 8.6% of the votes. At the same time, according to exit polls ordered by Opposition Bloc, the political force gets 5.7% and makes it to the Kyiv City Council.

"We know that the authorities do not want to see the opposition in the Kyiv City Council. For this reason, we are asking members of elections commissions: do not violate the law, count the ballots honestly. Don't rig the votes during the ballot count and when making protocols," Puzanov said.
