
Militants turn industrial enterprises into scrap metal in Donbas, remove it to Russia

Using ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, members of illegal armed groups are stealing Ukrainian enterprises, leader of the Ukrainian section of the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC) Major-General Borys Kremenetsky said at a meeting with representatives of OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM).

The JCCC press center reported that they dismantle equipment and destroy metal structures of town-forming enterprises, plants and coalmines to sell it as scrap metal.

"In September crimes of armed looters were recorded in Amvrosiyivka district of Donetsk region that adjoins Rostov region of Russia. The facilities of the town-forming enterprise Promcement are being destroyed. The enterprise is located on 22.9 hectares. Looters destroy buildings and mechanisms of public joint-stock company Amvrosiyivka fodder plant and OJSC Amvrosiyivka Bakery," reads the report.

In Horlivka, militants removed equipment and metal structures and intentionally set on fire enterprises. Rezon LLC that produced millwork was destroyed by fire, equipment and metal structures were removed from Argo Plant that produced tiles, equipment of a mining equipment repair plant and Vuhlesnab bulk cargo storage facility was stolen.

"Cynic crimes of illegal armed groups and their leaders are aimed at destroying the coal mining sector. In September, only three operating coalmines were left in Donetsk, and only wages of miners are paid, while the money to service the coalmines are not provided. Self-proclaimed chiefs have proposed that miners sell equipment from non-operating mines at their own free choice. The similar situation is in Horlivka," reads the report.

The Ukrainian section of JCCC said that the border service of Russia not only allows removing scrap metal and equipment from temporarily occupied territories, but it promotes the destruction of infrastructure and industry of Ukraine by no action.

"Barbaric destruction of the economy of the region again confirms the real goals of militants and their patrons," reads the report.

The Ukrainian section of JCCC asked representatives of OSCE SMM to check these and other crimes of illegal armed groups and inform countries-members of the OSCE and ask to react to these crimes.
