
Crimean issue remains open for international community – Klimkin

The Crimea issue remains open for the international community and the occupation of the peninsula by Russia will never be recognized, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin has said.

"Not a single state, for which human rights, international law and international security aren't just words, will ever recognize Russian occupation of Crimea and the criminal decisions Russia made," Klimkin said when commenting on the statement of his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov that the Crimean issue had been closed.

Klimkin said that Russia's actions are aimed at isolating the peninsula and its residents.

"Russia closed Crimea to the world. Russia also closed Crimea for residents of the peninsula that want to live on their land in conditions of freedom and prosperity. And [Crimean residents want] the occupation authorities to not deride them by stripping off their civic rights and hope for a decent life," he said.

According to Klimkin, Russia' suggestion on creating a group of MPs from the EU, the U.S. and Ukraine to discuss the situation in Donbas is only reasonable if Russia is ready to leave Crimea and Donbas.

"I think the Organization of Security and Cooperation European Parliamentary Assembly as well as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe more than clearly showed their position on Russia's actions. The dialogue suggested by my colleague is possible, if within it Russian MPs are ready to discuss the issue of withdrawing Russian regular troops from Ukrainian territory, putting a stop to weapons delivery to terrorists, regaining Ukraine's control over the border with Russia, as well as influencing Russian leaders to make them stop the aggression against our state," Klimkin said.
