
American business asks Ukrainian authorities to accelerate reforms, boost battle against corruption

Representatives of American business have said they are satisfied with the level of dialogue they have with the Ukrainian government, but asked government ministers to accelerate the pace of the reforms and resolve corruption, judicial and bureaucracy issues, Andy Hunder, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine has said.

Hunder thanked Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk and his team for their cooperation in the last two months. There hasn't been such a dialogue between the authorities and business for last 20 years, Hunder said at a meeting between the Prime Minister and business representatives in Kyiv on Thursday.

He said the current government includes truly competent individuals who were involved in business before joining the government.

In addition, Hunder said businesses still face problems and urged the government to pay attention to them. In particular, he said that a poll within the organization showed that businessmen thought corruption was the main problem and then – the situation with the judicial system and bureaucracy.

In addition, he asked for the announced reforms to be implemented quicker.
