
EU allocates over EUR 2 mln to improve accommodations for refugees from ATO zone in Sloviansk and Kramatorsk

Over EUR 2 million allocated by the EU will be sent to Sloviansk and Kramatorsk to improve the accommodation for refugees from the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) zone, the press service of Donetsk military-civilian administration reported with reference to region's department on investment-innovation development and foreign relations.

This money is planed to be used to remodel five hostels, where temporary displaced persons will live.

Particularly, the relevant department noted that Sloviansk City Council had made a grant agreement with the EU Delegation to Ukraine for EUR 721,000 to realize "Home for Refugees" project foreseeing improvement of two hostels. The total value of the project equals EUR 801,000. However, local authorities are to provide a part of the project's funding worth EUR 80,000.

"Similar project will be realized in Kramatorsk as well. Three hostels will be repaired here, as well as water supply systems and the sewerage pump station. The total value of the project is EUR 1.8 million," reads the statement.

In addition, Kramatorsk City Council has already made a grant agreement to receive EUR 985,600 from the European Commission to realize the project "Modernization of Kramatorsk Railway Substation."
