Poroshenko announces priority amendments to Ukraine's constitution
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that the decentralization of power, improving constitutional foundations for justice, and constitutional regulations on human rights and freedoms are the priorities in preparing amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine.
"The first [priority] is decentralization, secondly I think that the constitutional principles of justice should be improved, and the third is the improvement of the constitutional regulation of human rights, freedoms and duties," Poroshenko said during the opening session of the Constitutional Commission in Kyiv on Monday.
He said that the commission must focus on these priorities.
In turn, Head of the Constitutional Commission, Verkhovna Rada Chairman Volodymyr Hroisman said he was confident that the commission will be able to produce a working plan for specific amendments using these priorities as a guideline.
"I am convinced that in keeping with the outlined priorities, we will be able to work out a high-quality action plan, which will result in specific changes to the fundamental law that will allow for holding reforms," Hroisman said.