
I'm not meddling in selection of candidates for Anti-Corruption Bureau Head – Poroshenko

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said that he isn't meddling in the selection of candidates for the position of Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

"As of today, and it's absolutely right, a president doesn't have the right to meddle in the selection of candidate for the head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau Head," Poroshenko said in an interview on Inter TV channel on Saturday.

He said that a couple of candidates have already been selected and that they were undergoing special examination.

"I think it's not correct, and I won't comment on the actions by the commission that was formed and is working on selecting the candidates. However, I'd like these processes to be faster," he said.

As reported, the commission tasked with choosing a Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine has narrowed down the number of candidates to four persons who are to undergo special examination before Poroshenko considers whom to appoint.

The commission has chosen Yakov Varychev, Mykola Siry, Artem Sytnik and Viktor Chumak.

According to the lustration law, after the special examination, three candidates will be chosen to be considered by Poroshenko
