Poroshenko threatens with lethal weapons, more sanctions in case of further aggression
President Petro Poroshenko is certain that the European Union, the United States and other countries will continue supporting Ukraine in its fight for sovereignty and territorial integrity, including with weapons, if need be.
"If a new wave of aggression begins against Ukraine, I can state with confidence that we will immediately get both lethal weapons and a new wave of sanctions against the aggressor. Our action will be tough and coordinated," the president said in an interview with the "1+1" television channel, his press office said on Friday evening.
Ukraine has contracts with several EU countries for supplies of weapons, including lethal ones, Poroshenko said. The EU has lifted its official embargo on arms supplies to Ukraine, he recalled.
He also called "pivotal" the U.S. president's decision to supply defensive weapons to Ukraine, including armored vehicles, tactical drones and counter-battery radar. These will raise the precision of the Ukrainian weapons, while thermal cameras and motion-sensing radars will help counter the enemy's reconnaissance and sabotage groups.
"What is the difference between Ukraine's position and Russia's? Ukraine is trusted because Ukraine has strictly and consistently abided by all agreements it took upon itself," Poroshenko said.
Ukraine promised to cease fire and remove heavy weapons, and delivered on all its promises, he said.
Ukraine is not loosening its defenses, he said. "We are using this time period to repair our damaged equipment. Intensive combat drills are underway, mines laid in areas with the highest risk of tank attacks, and engineering structures built under a new plan and projects," Poroshenko said.