
Interior minister's advisor says Kharkiv, Odesa explosions aim at escalating tensions in Ukraine

The recent explosions in Odesa and Kharkiv aim at escalating tensions in Ukraine, in the opinion of the Ukrainian interior minister's advisor Zorian Shkiryak.

"Kharkiv and Odesa have lately become cities which are being used to escalate tensions," he told reporters in Kyiv on Thursday.

The geographic position of these cities is a reason for that, the advisor said.

"Regretfully, we are getting accustomed to this situation but our law enforcement services are taking every measure to solve these crimes," Shkiryak said.

An explosion occurred on the track of the Odesa-Zastava-1 rail station on December 24. The police said it was a terror attack.

The other explosion happened near a furniture store on Rymarska Street in Kharkiv last midnight. The explosion partially damaged the store's wall and several vehicles and smashed windows in homes nearby. The prosecution service opened a criminal inquiry under part 2, article 194 (premeditated property damage by explosion) of the Ukrainian Criminal Code.
