
Barroso to think about answer to Putin, but EU not going to revise Association Agreement with Ukraine

European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso has received a letter from Russian President Vladimir Putin in which he demands a revision of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine.

European Commission spokesperson Pius Ahrenkilde Hansen said at a briefing in Brussels on Friday that Barroso would decide how best to respond to this issue, which he had already had an opportunity to discuss with Putin on September 15 by phone.

She said that the EU was now actively working on the implementation of the Association Agreement with Ukraine, which should also serve as a guide for the country's modernization.

Hansen noted that the Association Agreement was a bilateral document, so its revision could be offered only by one of the parties and done with the consent of the other party.

She said that the EU was not looking for any change in the agreement. As for Ukraine, it is a free and sovereign state in its own interests in matters of international relations, she added.

As reported, Putin earlier wrote a letter to Barroso in which he stressed the need to make large-scale changes in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU in the period of the effect of the delay in the implementation of its trade part.
