
WWorld won't accept Russia's sending of peacekeepers to Ukraine – presidential administrationorld won't accept Russia's sending of peacekeepers to Ukraine – presidential administration

Russia's sending of peacemaking contingent to Ukraine will be estimated as a direct aggression, First Deputy Head of Presidential Administration Hennadiy Zubko said.

"Russia's unilateral bringing in of the peacekeepers [to Ukraine] contradicts to itself…Secondly, it is difficult to call the contingent, which has been deploying near the borders over five months as a peacemaking one. That's why it would be a direct aggression," Zubko said.

According to him, today the world community won't allow Russia to bring in of the peacemaking contingent to Ukraine.

"If today somebody tries to call confrontation on the east of Ukraine as a civil war, we clearly say that today this is a war between Russian subdivisions and people, who have been hired to fight against Ukrainian army for money," he stressed.
