15:29 15.12.2013

Dismissal of Kyiv City Hall head, NSDC deputy head not enough – Svoboda Party

1 min read
Dismissal of Kyiv City Hall head, NSDC deputy head not enough – Svoboda Party

Dismissal of Kyiv City Hall head, NSDC deputy head not enough – Svoboda Party

Kyiv, December 15 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The dismissal of Kyiv City Hall head Oleksandr Popov and Deputy Secretary of Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) Volodymyr Sivkovych is not enough, says Svoboda Party leader Oleh Tiahnybok.

"It's at least some kind of progress, the dismissal of Popov, [Kyiv police chief Valeriy] Koriak, Sivkovych, and launching of criminal proceedings against them. But that is not what can satisfy the Maidan [protesters on Kyiv's Independence Square] today," Oleh Tiahnybok told reporters in Kyiv.

He said protesters needed the names of, and wanted criminal action against, those who ordered the dispersal of demonstrations and those who carried out the orders.

Those against whom proceedings had been launched hold high ranks "but they are medium-level officials," Tiahnybok said. "It is the number one persons who gave the instructions and their direct executors involved in the beating that must be punished for their illegal acts."

Popov, Sivkovych, Koriak and Petro Fedchuk, who was Koriak's deputy, were notified on Saturday that they were suspected of overstepping of authority in connection with the dispersal of the November 30 protests.