
Svoboda faction refuses to recognize Sorkin's appointment as NBU Governor

Svoboda faction in Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's parliament) has refused to recognize appointment of Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) Ihor Sorkin.

"We won't recognize such an illegal appointment of NBU governor, period," Svoboda's faction leader Oleh Tianhybok said at parliament on Friday.

According to him, evidence of MPs pushing voting buttons for their colleagues from other factions has been found.

"Have a conscience, Mr. Chairman [Rybak]. This concerns our image before society," Tiahnybok said addressing to the parliamentary speaker Volodymyr Rybak.

As reported, at its morning sitting today the Verkhovna Rada appointed Ihor Sorkin governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). Sorkin had been working as acting head of the central bank since late December 2012. In particular, 187 members of the Regions Party parliamentary faction, 31 MPs from the Communist Party of Ukraine faction, and 13 independent MPs voted for the appointment. The opposition factions abstained from the vote.

During the voting, several scuffles occurred between members of the Regions Party and the opposition factions.

Before the vote, members of the opposition factions came up to the seats of the Regions Party in the parliament to observe the individual voting. After the vote, they said that some of the Regions Party faction MPs voted on behalf of other MPs.

The opposition said it is to create an inquiry panel to look into the illegal appointment of governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) if evidence of illegal voting is found.
