
Klitschko hails decision on introduction of electronic passports for Ukrainians

UDAR Party leader Vitali Klitschko has praised the adoption of a law envisaging the introduction of electronic passports for Ukrainians.

"I think that [the introduction of such passports] is needed, and it's a normal European practice. But I don't want such decisions to be taken to enrich our corrupt officials who will put a few million dollars in their pockets on the production of these passports," the party's press service quoted him as saying at a meeting with the residents of the town of Dunaivtsi, Khmelnytsky region.

On October 2, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law on the single state demographic register, which envisages the introduction of electronic passports for Ukrainians.

The law, in particular, foresees the introduction of electronic passports for traveling abroad in accordance with the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ІCAO).
