
URCS continues to help victims of Russian missile strike in Sumy

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) was at the scene of the tragedy from the first minutes of the Russian missile strike on the center of Sumy on Monday.

"Volunteers of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society rapid response unit in Sumy region were at the scene of the tragedy from the first minutes. They provided first aid, transported the wounded to medical facilities and supported the victims and their relatives with first psychological aid," the URCS reported on Facebook on Tuesday.

The volunteers also went around the territory and apartments in damaged buildings to identify people in need of help.

The URCS continues to provide assistance to the victims on Tuesday.

Today, assistance continues to be provided to residents whose homes have been destroyed: OSB panels are being provided to cover damaged structures, as well as waterproof awnings and film for temporary protection of windows.

As reported, 101 people, including 23 children, were injured as a result of the occupiers' attack on a residential area of ​​Sumy on Monday.
