More than 90% of what Denmark does for Ukraine related to weapons and equipment
More than 90% of what Denmark does in the area of support for Ukraine is related to weapons and defense equipment, which is a prerequisite for the survival of Ukraine as a nation, said Danish Ambassador to Ukraine Ole Egberg Mikkelsen.
"Denmark has been very active in terms of supporting Ukraine with defence equipment and weapons. I usually say that we do three things in Ukraine: weapons, weapons and weapons," he said while speaking to media on the sidelines of the U-Lead with Europe event on Tuesday.
At the same time, the ambassador emphasized that Denmark is also implementing important civil programs.
"But more than 90% of what Denmark does in Ukraine is related to weapons and defense equipment. And this, of course, is a prerequisite for the survival of Ukraine as a nation. If you are not armed, you cannot survive. This is very important for Denmark," the diplomat emphasized.
And in addition, he recalled the implementation of the "Danish model" of support for the Ukrainian defense industry, which effectively finances the acquisition of weapons and defense equipment directly from Ukrainian manufacturers.
"And this has proven to be very, very innovative and very effective. This is something that we want to continue because we want Ukraine to stand firmly on its own two feet, including when it comes to weapons and defense equipment. And you have enormous potential," the diplomat said.