
GRECO: Ukraine demonstrates further progress in preventing corruption among parliamentarians, judges and prosecutors, but more efforts needed

Ukraine has satisfactorily implemented 18 out of 31 recommendations on corruption prevention in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors. Of the remaining recommendations, 11 have been partly implemented and two have not been implemented.

This assessment was given in a new report published by the press service of the Council of Europe on Thursday.

“GRECO continues to recognise the strong commitment shown by Ukraine in respect of work to counter corruption at an extremely difficult time for this member state, during the ongoing war of aggression by the Russian Federation, the report reads. The country continues to function under martial law and hence has to adjust its priorities,” the Council of Europe’s anti-corruption body says.

GRECO highly appreciates Ukraine’s timely submission of information to GRECO, as well as the progress reported, which is to be commended.

“GRECO has notably recorded progress in implementing its recommendations to ensure effective supervision of the existing financial declaration requirements; to regulate the engagement of parliamentarians with lobbyists; to streamline the process of appointment of judges and related bodies. Important legislation has been adopted, and members of the High Council of Justice, of the High Qualification Commission of Judges, and of the Public Council of Integrity were appointed,” GRECO reported.

At the same time the two recommendations that remain not implemented are related to prosecution: they concern introducing a system of random allocation of cases to individual prosecutors, as well as defining more precisely disciplinary offences relating to prosecutors’ conduct and compliance with ethical norms, as well as extending the range of disciplinary sanctions available to ensure better proportionality and effectiveness.

“GRECO encourages the Ukrainian authorities to take further action with a view to addressing the 13 pending recommendations. It asks the head of the Ukrainian delegation to provide a report on progress in implementing outstanding recommendations by 30 November 2025,” the message reads.
