
Second intake of participants for REDpreneurUA program starts

The second intake of candidates for the REDpreneurUA program from the Ukrainian Red Cross has started.

"On December 2, 2024, the second intake of candidates starts for free training on all aspects of running a business – from the inception of an idea to its successful implementation," the Ukrainian Red Cross said on Facebook on Monday.

The program participants can be able-bodied citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 59 who do not have an existing business, but are eager to start a socially-oriented startup aimed at rebuilding the country.

Candidates for the program must meet the following criteria: internally displaced person (IDP) with registration (from 24.02.2022); persons with disabilities; persons helping the elderly (over 65 years old) and persons with disabilities of groups I and/or II; families raising two or more minor children (up to 18 years old); single parents; guardians of an incapacitated person; long-term socially vulnerable unemployed persons (unregistered and registered with the Employment Center).

The second stream of participants will be trained in partnership with Ukrainian Future Business Incubator.

Ukrainian Future Business Incubator is a full-cycle business and innovation support space. Its main goal is to develop and scale the innovative activities of young pioneering entrepreneurs in the process of transforming their business ideas into financially self-sufficient business models. Since April 2021, the business incubator is a full-fledged and the only member of the IASP International Community of Science Parks and Innovation Zones in Ukraine.

REDpreneurUA is a program launched by the Austrian Red Cross to develop business skills and support entrepreneurs seeking to change the world. In Ukraine, it offers Ukrainian entrepreneurs a unique opportunity not only to start their own business, but also to contribute to the country's economic recovery.

The REDpreneurUA program is distinguished by its innovative approach to training, combining theory with practice in collaboration with leading business incubators and schools.

Registration for the program will be held from December 2 to December 27, 2024 at the link.

