URCS warns about fake on social networks about monetary compensation, humanitarian aid
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society (URCS) warns about the appearance of a new fake on social networks about monetary compensation from the URCS and humanitarian aid.
"Fake information is being spread on the Internet that the Ukrainian Red Cross Society allegedly issues humanitarian aid in the form of hygiene products weighing more than 80 kg for the whole family and compensation in the amount of UAH 5,000 for the purchase of medicines/clothes for families with children and pensioners. In the news, the scammers ask to submit an application through a link leading to one of the Telegram channels. This is fake information," the URCS reported on Facebook on Thursday.
The Ukrainian Red Cross Society reminds that it reports on all types of humanitarian aid through official channels, including the website redcross.org.ua. "Be careful, check the information on the official sources of the Ukrainian Red Cross Society and do not pass on personal data to scammers," the URCS noted.
If you find such information, you must send a link to the fake source and a letter to redcross@ethics.email or call the integrity line at 0 800 357 100.