
Ukrainian Red Cross and partners help residents of Ukraine's south

The Ukrainian Red Cross and its partners continue to support residents of Zaporizhia, Kherson, and Mykolaiv regions.

"The project, which is being implemented with financial assistance of the European Commission's Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), is assessing the needs of the population in the most remote villages, where the level of access to social services remains extremely low due to the [Russian] full-scale invasion of Ukraine," the Ukrainian Red Cross said on Facebook.

Such an assessment allows to accurately identify people's actual needs and further ensure their effective support.

In addition, the project operates social assistance centers where people can warm themselves during the cold season and charge their gadgets during blackouts or after shelling. The Ukrainian Red Cross together with its partners set up these centers, equipping them with everything necessary, including beds and charging stations.

One of the project's directions is psychosocial support and individual psychological counseling. Psychosocial support activities aimed at strengthening the psychological state of people in the conditions of war in Ukraine are regularly organized for both adults and children in social assistance centers. Among the key innovations of the project is a mobile psychosocial support center. The mobile center is a specially equipped vehicle that travels to remote settlements in Zaporizhia, Kherson, and Mykolaiv regions to provide people with psychosocial counseling.

The project is supported by the Danish and German Red Cross organizations.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/RedCrossUkraine/posts/pfbid032XLUqPYFn1t3XyMhCxAjifcYHQoeHKLNrDca2rUipzXiirS6SCV6GZBd697x2wK5l
