
MP Dmytruk illegally crosses state border, put on intl wanted list – SBI

The State Bureau of Investigations (SBI) has placed Ukrainian Member of Parliament (MP) Artem Dmytruk (the Restoration of Ukraine group), who is suspected of attacks on citizens and illegally crossing the state border of Ukraine, on the international wanted list.

"The SBI employees, under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor General's Office (PGO), have placed a suspect in attacks on citizens, a current MP, on the international wanted list," the SBI said on the Telegram channel on Thursday.

The PGO's Telegram channel noted that the MP is suspected of attacks on a military man and a law enforcement officer.

Also, according to the report, the PGO submitted a petition to the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv, signed by the Prosecutor General, to choose a preventive measure for the suspect in the form of detention.

The department recalls that the Ukrainian MP was summoned for questioning by the investigator, but did not appear at the appointed time and did not provide a reason for his failure to appear.

According to the SBI investigation, during his stay in Odesa, the suspect and his accomplices attacked a law enforcement officer who was performing his official duties at the time. At the same time, the MP intentionally caused bodily harm to the law enforcement officer and tried to take his weapon.

In another case, as stated in the SBI report, in Kyiv the MP had an argument with one of the citizens, during which he struck the man several times, including in the head. According to the expert's conclusion, the victim suffered moderate bodily harm.

Earlier, Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin called on MP Dmytruk, who illegally crossed the state border, to return to Ukraine and testify to the investigator, noting that otherwise the mechanism of declaring him wanted and subsequent extradition from the country in which the MP is currently located will be launched.

"He still has the opportunity to appear (for questioning) on the set dates – Thursday and Friday. We have announced this. Esteemed Member of Parliament! Come back to Ukraine and come to the investigator!" Kostin said at the Ukraine 2024. Independence forum on Tuesday in Kyiv, addressing Dmytruk.

According to the Prosecutor General, Dmytruk, who illegally crossed the state border, "travels from one country to another", and among those who helped him cross the border, there may be officials from various government agencies.
