Funds in local budget accounts swell by 1.5 times since early 2024
The amount of funds in local government accounts currently stands at UAH 177 billion, and their growth since the beginning of the year exceeds UAH 60 billion, reported Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko.
"This means there is no need to redirect funds to local budgets. Local budgets have sufficient resources to fulfill their additional responsibilities and ensure the performance of their existing responsibilities," he stated during the Government Hour in the Rada on Friday.
The head of the Finance, Tax, and Customs Policy Committee, Danylo Hetmantsev, reported on May 12 that compared to January-April 2023, when the "military" personal income tax (PIT) remained at the disposal of local budgets, their general fund revenues (excluding transfers) increased by 2.7%, or by UAH 3.8 billion.
"The losses from the military PIT are uneven. The largest losses are expected for frontline regions. However, in Poltava, Kyiv regions, and the city of Kyiv, revenues have increased even compared to the 2023 base, which included the 'military' PIT," Hetmantsev said.
According to him, Kyiv's budget remains the leader in revenue growth, with a 30% increase.
According to Hetmantsev's data, as of May 1, 2024, the balance of funds in the accounts of local budgets and budget institutions amounted to UAH 155.6 billion, having increased by 38%, or UAH 43 billion since the beginning of the year.