Manifest 42 calls on Zelenskyy to extend moratorium on business searches with blocking of its operation
The public movement Manifest 42, created to protect businesses from the corrupt pressure of the rear security forces and other authorities, calls on President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to extend the moratorium on conducting procedural actions in criminal proceedings that may block entrepreneurial activity.
"There are two weeks left before the end of the three–month moratorium, business notes the absence of new criminal proceedings that create risks of violating Article 42 of the Constitution, which guarantees the right to entrepreneurial activity," the organization said in a statement on Tuesday.
“Manifest 42 also notes that according to the results of the audit, we are waiting for the closure of previously opened cases, ‘which for years, and sometimes decades, serve as a basis for werewolves in uniform to nightmare business,’ arguing that corruption pressure continues, ‘brazen investigators are doing everything possible to resume taking bribes from entrepreneurs for the right to conduct business.’"
According to the organization, the audit of criminal cases provided for by the presidential decree of January 23 is either absent altogether or continues according to unknown criteria, therefore Manifest 42 is preparing an alternative report to the report, which is expected to be submitted by the Prosecutor General’s Office on April 24. The organization's report will mention landmark high-profile cases, the closure of which could be a demonstration of real intentions to change the situation.
"Let's mention the NACP, which for some reason began to send letters to entrepreneurs demanding information about the economic activities of enterprises, and the Tax Service, which calculates insufficient tax payments based on ‘mathematical models’ and initiates the revocation of licenses on this basis," the statement says.
Manifest 42 also calls on the Council for the Support of Entrepreneurship under Martial Law under the President of Ukraine (the Council of Seven) to begin considering the validity of the most high-profile criminal cases with signs of corruption pressure on business and violations of the constitutional right to entrepreneurial activity.
"In case of an appeal from at least two business associations, we urge the Seven to immediately begin consideration of the relevant case," the statement says.
Manifest 42 is a social movement created by business to protect Article 42 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which guarantees the right to entrepreneurial activity.