
Polish farmers concerned about Ukrainian imports of agricultural products – Polish Agricultural Minister

 Polish farmers are concerned about Ukrainian imports of agricultural products, Polish Agriculture Minister Czesław Siekierski said during a video conference with European Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis on Monday, the agency writes.

According to EU spokesman Olof Gill, the meeting discussed the current situation with EU support to Ukraine, including measures related to trade. Siekierski recalled Poland's commitment to supporting Ukraine at all levels, while simultaneously expressing the concerns of Polish farmers about Ukrainian imports of agricultural products.

As Gill said Minister Siekierski recalled Poland's commitment to support Ukraine at all levels, while simultaneously highlighting the concerns of Polish farmers about Ukrainian imports of agricultural products. The European Commissioner recalled the EU conclusions in October and December, during which member countries pledged to continue to provide strong political and economic support to Ukraine as long as necessary.

He added that Siekierski confirmed that regular bilateral contacts between the new Polish government and the Ukrainian authorities continue and will continue.

Both sides agreed to continue constructive cooperation and exchange information on market developments, including in the context of the Commission's proposal to renew autonomous trade measures. The Commission and Poland pledged to continue close and intensive cooperation on these issues, including within the framework of the Common Coordination Platform for Ukraine, the representative of the European Commission added.

"The EU Commission will continue to support Ukraine's economy while being mindful of concerns of Polish farmers in relation to Ukrainian agri-food imports," Commission Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis wrote on the website X after a meeting with the Polish Minister of Agriculture, at which the issue of the European Commission's intention to extend duty-free trade with Ukraine until June next year was discussed.
