Ukrenergo cooperating with NABU in losses caused by United Energy, seeking in court to recover UAH 1.1 bln from it
NPC Ukrenergo is working closely with the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) in the case of causing losses of more than UAH 700 million as a result of non-payment by United Energy LLC to the electricity company, which the bureau reported on Thursday.
As the company notes on its Telegram channel, it provides the investigation with all the necessary information, but does not have the details of the investigation.
For its part, Ukrenergo provided its explanation of the essence of the dispute with the trader: in March 2022, when Ukraine was at the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, the trader company United Energy, taking advantage of these circumstances, consumed electricity that was not purchased and didn't pay the company for the created imbalance.
The amount of debt to Ukrenergo at that time amounted to UAH 1.7 billion, while the guarantor bank did not provide the company with a financial guarantee.
The company indicates that to date it has already managed to recover UAH 600 million of debt from the trader and the bank, and Ukrenergo is trying to recover another UAH 1.1 billion, including fines, in court.
"There is already a decision of the first instance in favor of the transmission system operator to pay it UAH 1.1 billion. After the court decision enters into legal force, the company will recover this amount in full, and the issue of causing losses to the company will be put to rest," Ukrenergo said.
At the same time, the company noted that the former employee of Ukrenergo, mentioned in the NABU report, like all employees of the company, then worked in critical conditions - in the process of arranging workplaces in evacuation or bomb shelters, "and this could lead to certain slowdowns in processes."
"The extent to which this can be qualified as a crime under Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code must be decided by the court," Ukrenergo emphasized.