Fight against 'shadow' grain yielding results, will allow farmers to take advantage of preferential lending - deputy agrarian minister
The Ukrainian government has taken many measures to solve the problem of “shadow” grain, which is already bringing the desired results and will allow farmers to use preferential financial opportunities to run their business, said First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Taras Vysotsky.
“We receive many requests from farmers regarding “shadow” grain and the motivation for selling (the grown crop). I think everyone has already felt that a lot is being done to prevent this from happening. Fortunately, many such sellers have already left the market," he said at the Cooperation 360 farmers' meeting in Kyiv.
The deputy minister emphasized that the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food hopes that there will be fewer requests from farmers who want to sell legally grown crops, but have no one else, thanks to the launch of a list of verified agricultural exporters.
Vysotsky refused to name the companies that had left the market that were engaged in buying grains and oilseeds for cash, adding that “everyone has already heard that they are not on the market.”
According to the deputy minister, the fight against “shadow” grain is one of the measures to return the market to the legal level.
“This also means that farmers have more opportunities to sell officially and at a better price,” Vysotsky said.
The deputy minister noted that legal trade in the agricultural sector has now become very important, since only legally working farmers can take part in the state lending program 5-7-9, for which UAH 18 billion are included in the 2024 state budget.
“The fight against shadow grain circulation and lost earnings by farmers should help more enterprises receive preferential loans,” Vysotsky concluded.