Zelenskyy signs law legalizing production of GMO products in Ukraine
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has signed a law regarding state control over the placement of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their products on the market.
According to the information provided in the document of bill No. 5839, posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada, the law was returned to the parliament with the signature of the head of state on September 12.
The document establishes the legal and organizational framework for state regulation of genetic engineering activities, ensuring the ecological, genetic, food, and biological security of the state, and state control over the placement of GMOs and their products on the market.
The law provides definitions for terms such as "genetically modified organism," "genetically modified product," "GMO product as a food product," and introduces state registration of GMOs, among other provisions.
Before the law was passed at the second reading, amendments were made to it, which include a ban on the cultivation and import of GM corn, and a five-year ban on the cultivation of genetically modified sugar beets and rapeseed.
The document introduces comprehensive regulation of the legal and organizational foundations of genetic engineering activities through state supervision (control) over the use of genetically modified organisms and the circulation of GM products.
The bill also delineates the powers of government authorities to avoid duplication of functions in the field of GMO handling, improves the risk assessment system for GMOs concerning their potential impact on human health and the natural environment, implements European mechanisms for state registration of GMOs, enhances requirements for labeling GM products, introduces rules for traceability, strengthens government control in the field of GMO handling, and establishes responsibility for violations of legislation in this area.
As reported, the Verkhovna Rada passed this bill at the final reading during a plenary session on August 23.